2025 Modifieds of Mayhem General Rules
The guidelines and/or regulations set forth herein are designed to provide for the orderly conduct of racing events and to establish
minimum acceptable requirements for such events. These guidelines shall govern the condition of events and participation therein.
THESE GUIDELINES AND/OR REGULATIONS. They are intended as a guide for the conduct of events and are no way a guarantee
against injury or death to a participant, spectator, or official. The director of competition, or his authorized designate, shall be
empowered to permit minor deviation from any of the guidelines and/or regulations herein, or impose any further restriction which, in
his opinion, does not alter the purpose of the organization. Deviation of these guidelines and/or regulations will be the responsibility of
the series officials; whose decisions are final. These guidelines and/or regulations will be superseded by any guidelines and/or
regulations distributed in writing or announced during an events drivers meeting.
- Upon admittance to a restricted area, all participants must conduct themselves in a manner not detrimental to stock car racing.
Profanity in front of race fans, officials, management, profane signs or writing on cars, etc., will not be tolerated and may subject
the offending party to penalties. Conduct in social media deemed detrimental to the series, track, officials or sponsors may subject
- Upon admittance to a restricted area, all participants must conduct themselves in a manner not detrimental to stock car racing.
- General appearance of Tour drivers and crews must be neat and clean looking.
- A competitor that stops his or her car on the track to argue or discuss an incident with the starter or other officials may be subject
to penalties. - Verbal or physical abuse of officials, including improper language or actions will result in sanctions / Fines from the Series/Track.
- Fighting will not be tolerated. Drivers will be held responsible for the conduct of all persons connected with their car, and
violations will be dealt with accordingly. Any person from a crew, including the driver, going to another pit area where any
altercation erupts, will be considered at fault and will be subject to penalties. - Any driver who, in the judgment of series officials, engages in rough driving, deliberately running into, blocking or swerving in front
of another car – may be subject to penalties. Any car intentionally blocking the track will subject the owner and driver to immediate
and indefinite suspension from the series. - Any driver who intentionally causes a caution condition, without safety being an issue, by stopping, spinning, or any other action,
is subject to 2-lap penalty - Crew members are not allowed on the racetrack at any time. Pit crew, drivers, or series/track officials are not allowed to service
cars on the racing surface without specific permission from race control. - No one is allowed in the control tower without permission at any time. You will be subject to severe penalties. Race director will be
available at the end of the night. - COMPETITION RULES
- Scoring
- All competitors must register with scoring in designated area at each event. Registration will close fifteen (15) minutes prior to divisions drivers meeting or qualifying. Whichever is first. If you have not registered by then you will either be required to qualify first or you start at the rear of your first event if class does not have qualifying.
- Transponders are required and you will get them at registration. You will be required to use an AMB pouch or clip to secure the
transponder on the right rear frame rail of the car . They are available for purchase at registration table. If you have a personal
transponder, disable it prior to going on track. Failure to turn in a working transponder will result in a $400.00 fine. - Transponder must be on car for any on track activity when they are made available to your class.
- All driver changes from the time registration starts, must be reported to a series official prior to that driver taking to the track. Any driver changes prior to start of a race and after qualifying will result in that car starting at the rear of field. Failure to notify an Official of a change will result in loss of money and points.
- Qualifying/Race Line Up
- Qualifying order, when used, can be set by order of entry, draw, points, or practice times. Qualifying order will be posted in the
tech shed showing qualifying tech time and/or group. - For qualifying you will have an official time once car has taken the green flag. If you are unable to attempt a lap at your spot in line you will be placed on a five-minute clock to present car for your lap(s). There will be no re-qualifying.
- A driver may qualify only one car, and a car may be only qualified one time for a race program. If a car is scratched following a
successful qualifying attempt, that driver may qualify another car, provided that car has not yet qualified. - If division does not have a qualifying order once the last car in line leaves stop and go no other cars will be allowed to join the line.
- Practice session times may be used for qualification purposes should unforeseen circumstance dictate the necessity during the
event. Final session practice times may also be scheduled in advance to replace traditional qualifying with group qualifying. - In the event of a tie in qualifying times position will be based on who ran the time first.
- Pole Sitter or winner of the first heat race may roll a die or a Specific number of drivers will draw numbers to determine invert (if any) for feature lineup..
- Normal race programs can consist of any combination of practice, qualifications (single car or group), last-chance race, heat races and feature as announced by officials. Race lineup can also be set by practice speed, random draw or from season points.
- Normal procedures call for the fastest twenty (24) cars in qualifications to be automatically transferred to the feature, to be lined up in order of the inversion if one. Positions 25 – 26 will be the top two finishers from the last chance race Positions 27- 28 will be the two drivers highest in series points who have not yet qualified for the feature. If no points provisionals are needed the next two in last chance race will transfer.
- Individual track promoters have the option to add additional starters to the feature race. These starters will be added to the feature according to qualifying times, series points or last chance race. These may be done at a reduced pay amount.
- In the event that all cars qualifying for the event will make the event, the entire feature line-up will be by qualifications with the announced inversion.
- If a promoter agrees to start all cars, above the previously announced number of starters, the field will be set on time with the
appropriate inversion. For payoff purposes, the additional starters (at the reduced amount) will be the slowest cars that would not have received a provisional spot. - A driver, with his car, must either practice or qualify, to be eligible to start the feature except with prior approval.
- Lineups for races and qualifying order will be posted in a designated area. It is the responsibility of the driver to check his or her qualifying or starting position and be ready when called for an event. Cars not in position when field rolls may be placed at the rear of the starting lineup or disqualified from the event.
- Drivers that wish to go to the rear will go to their original position. On the pace lap pull to the side and let the field go by. That row will just advance forward.
- Qualifying order, when used, can be set by order of entry, draw, points, or practice times. Qualifying order will be posted in the
- Event Procedures
- For standard events, entry fee will be stated on the entry form. A minimum of $25 more per car will be charged if filed after the deadline time printed on the entry form for the event. Payment of entry does not guarantee a starting spot in any scheduled events.
- All Modified of Mayhem teams are required to have a spotter in the designated spotters stand during feature events. Spotter must have the ability to monitor race control. If the spotter leaves or is removed for any reason the car will be black flagged and not allowed to continue until a spotter is in place.
- All communication with tower must go through spotter official.
- When supplied, teams are required to use window and contingency stickers in their designated and mandated position. Failure to do so may result in a monetary penalty or loss of contingency eligibility. Select windshield stickers and decals may be absolutely required to participate in an event.
- Every effort will be made to complete the advertised event distance. Race length can be altered due to car count or time restraint and drivers will be notified prior to the event.
- We do not race back to the caution. Unless a majority of the field has completed a lap, scoring will revert to the last completed lap for restart lineup. This is at the sole discretion of the Race Director.
- Once fifty percent of the total laps are completed the race is considered official.
- In the event of an excessive number of caution laps series officials reserve the right to count caution laps, shorten the number of laps or use a time limit on events. If the total number of laps are shortened or a time limit is enforced, we will notify you via race control and attempt to complete at least 5 more laps. If another caution occurs you will get one chance at a green, white,
checkered finish. At that point the next flag will complete the event. - Any car that has a hood or deck lid come off or open, or is observed dragging dangerous parts, or dropping any fluid, is subject to a black flag at the discretion of the officials.
- Driver must remain strapped in the car until safety officials arrive unless it is unsafe to do so.
10.All cars must keep a reasonable speed. If you are unable to maintain a reasonable speed you will be given one opportunity to pit for adjustments or repairs and return to competition. If you still cannot maintain reasonable speed, you will be parked for the remainder of the event. - Three unassisted spins or multiple incidents and you will be parked for the remainder of the event.
- Finishing Positions
- Finishing positions will be determined according to the most laps completed (including those earned through announced race
procedures) in the least time, regardless of whether the car is running. - Results are not official, and no purse will be available until tech is cleared. In the event of a protest or some other delay in the
results of a class being made official, such as but not limited to tire sample testing, no purse will be sent out until all test results are back and results are made official.
- Finishing positions will be determined according to the most laps completed (including those earned through announced race
- Finishing Position Protest
- Protests to finishing positions in any race must be made within fifteen (15) minutes of the conclusion of the event. Such protests must be in writing and must be given to the Chief Scorer or Race Director.
- Scoring re-checks decisions are final and cannot be appealed or litigated.
- Points System, Season Champion
- All teams who enter a car and present it for competition, but fail to qualify will receive 10 points for their participation
- Points for the feature results will be awarded in the following manner: 1st-50, 2nd-48, 3rd-46, with a 2-point drop per position to 20 through the final starter
- Any tie in the final point standings of any award will be broke by the highest number of wins, and if still tied, by the highest number of second place finishes, and so on, until the tie is broken.
- Inspections, Mechanical Protest
- Series officials may require an inspection of any vehicle at any time. Vehicles placing in the first three positions driver must drive car to the inspection station immediately after the conclusion of the feature race/victory lane for such inspection and must not work on the car in any fashion until told to do so by a technical official.
- A competitor must take whatever steps are required, including a complete tear down of the car, as requested by series officials to facilitate inspection of the car.
- Failure to present a car for inspection when requested to do so, or refusal to take steps requested by series officials, will be
considered an admission of guilt and can be grounds for disqualification. - Protests regarding alleged mechanical infractions must be made within fifteen (15) minutes of the conclusion of the event. The
written protest must specify, in detail, a single, specific part or rule that is in violation, and be given to the Chief Technical Inspector or Race Director, along with a cash fee of $400 per item. 25% of the fee will be retained by the series for administrative costs. The remaining goes to the winner of the protest. - The driver filing the protest is subject to the same inspection of the protested item.
- A protest may only be filed by a competitor in the same feature race on the lead lap. A competitor can protest a maximum of three times a season and protests must be a minimum of 3 weeks apart.
- At series discretion a motor and/or car or any part of the car can be impounded, and inspection done at a later time and place agreeable to all parties.
- Common Technical Rules
- Sunoco Purple 110 is the Spec fuel of the Series. A minimum fuel purchase will be required at most events. Fuel samples may be taken at any time and tested. Alcohol, nitromethane, nitrous oxide, other oxygenating agents, other additives and/or fuels that contain masking agents or oxygen are not permitted. Use of such substances or additives will result in immediate disqualification and loss of points. Use of any fuel that contains oxygen is prohibited!!!
- All cars must go through tech for safety inspection/pre event tech prior to going on the track for practice unless noted otherwise on schedule.
- Any infractions must be checked off prior to qualifying tech opening. Failure to do so could result in penalties.
- Tires may be impounded and if so, will be released prior to qualifying.
- Once in tech line there will be no jacking up or lifting of the car past the designated point. Max of 4 crew plus driver.
- All cars must start the feature on the tires they qualify on, or you must start on the rear. Officials reserve the right to make
exceptions in certain situations. - It is the drivers responsibility to know when you need to be in tech line. Failure to be in tech at your designated time, without prior approval, may result in penalties.
- Bleeders are not allowed. Use of tire softening or altering agents is not permitted. Use of such substances will result in immediate disqualification and fine.
- Vehicles must have 4-wheel hydraulic brakes.
- No traction control devices, electronic or otherwise, will be permitted. Use of traction control will be cause for immediate
disqualification and possible suspension from future events. - Carburetor restriction must be done with a solid plate or cone type system only, may not be externally adjustable in any way. All carburetors will be sealed. You must race the same package you qualify.
- One Ignition Box Only. Ignition box and Rev Limiter must be out of reach of driver and easily accessible to officials.
- No “U” Shaped Fuel Cells or non-standard shaped fuel cells.
- No Tungsten or similar weight allowed
- No Data Acquisition equipment/wiring is allowed in the car on officially recognized race or practice days.
- Penalties
- Penalties for violations of the rules are determined by the gravity of the violation and/or its effects on fairness of competition. They may also be weighted as to discourage future infractions of a similar nature. Penalties may include, but are not limited to, lap penalties, position penalties, disqualification, suspension of license, posting of bond, fines, and/or loss of points. A suspension may be for a determined period of time, number of events, indefinite or remainder of a season.
- Any situation not specifically covered in these rules will be acted upon by the official or officials whose decision will be final and binding on all participants.
- Any disagreement over technical questions or operations will be resolved by series officials. When their decision is made, such
decision is final and binding. - Any dispute, controversy or claim whether or not relating to this rulebook or alleged breach of the same, shall be settled in
accordance with the existing and/ or amended rules and regulations, and competitor agrees to accept the decisions rendered by such process. By competing in the event, the competitor expressly agrees that determinations by series officials as to the
applicability and interpretation of these rules are non-litigable, and they agree that they will not initiate or maintain litigation of any kind against Modifieds of Mayhem, host track or anyone acting on behalf of either. If a competitor initiates or maintains litigation in violation of this covenant, that person agrees to reimburse the Modifieds of Mayhem and all included persons or entities for the costs of such litigation, including all reasonable attorneys’ fees. That competitor may also be indefinitely suspended from competition during the entire time of such litigation. - Continuous developments in racing may necessitate changes which cannot be anticipated at the time rules are formulated. If
necessary, rules may be updated, changed, deleted, or added to at the discretion of the series officials. - Series officials may use weight penalties for any infractions of these rules in an effort to make a car eligible to compete.
- At certain events, to encourage participation of other competitors, the officials may alter the rules for those cars, to try and create a level playing field for cars that might fall outside of the normal rules. Official’s decisions are final.
- In the event of an excessive number of caution laps, officials may alter the weight requirement for fuel burn-off. Fuel stops are not guaranteed, plan accordingly.
- Officials reserve the right to alter rules or procedures at any time in the interest of fairness or safety.
- Safety
- Approved seat belts and double shoulder harness will be required, no older than five (5) years. A crotch strap will be required.
Sternum strap recommended. - Drivers will not be allowed on the racetrack at any time without proper Head/neck restraints in place. A strap type neck restraint is required at all times.
- Helmet should be 2010 Snell standard or better and have sticker visible for inspection. Full-face helmets required.
- Approved, clean full driving suit, gloves and shoes for fire protection are mandatory. helmet skirt are highly
recommended. - All cars must have a working fire suppression system (preferred) or, at minimum, a driver accessible fire extinguisher. Gauges
for extinguishers must be easily visible for inspection. - Side plate for driver’s door will be mandatory. Must be Minimum 12 inches (12”) high post-to-post, 3/32” minimum thickness steel and must be fastened with a minimum of six (6) half-inch bolts or securely welded to series approval.
- Driver’s window must be equipped with safety net with quick release-latch. String window nets will not be permitted. When latched, the window net must fit and pull tight.
- Resilient padding designed for roll bar use must be installed on any roll cage member which can be reached by any extremity of the driver while driver is normally seated with restraints fastened. Steering wheel must be padded.
- All lead weights must be painted white in Block form, with the car number painted on all sides.. All lead
weights must be securely fastened. Any lost weight may result in up to a $25.00 per pound fine. No Tungsten or similar weight
allowed! - Lead Inspection will be part of post-race tech moving forward. If a piece of lead is not properly painted white with car number in red or black marked on all sides the team may receive up to a $1500.00 fine on 1st offense with an automatic disqualification on the 2nd offense. Any lost weight will now result in up to a $25.00 per pound fine to the team.
- All competing teams must possess a minimum 10 lb. Aluminum working fire extinguisher while in attendance in pits, and this item must be presented at inspection. Car number must be painted on fire extinguisher.
- A main electrical cut-off switch needs to be clearly marked and easily accessible to safety crews. It must be located on the dash in the center in clear view or must be mounted on roll bar behind driver within reach of window. Switch must be marked.
- Numbers must be a minimum of 24” in height, with body of each character a minimum of 3” in width and must be professionally placed on each door in a contrasting color. A full-size number will be required on top, readable from the infield. A car number at least six inches (6”) in height must be placed in the upper right-hand corner of the windshield and the 8″rear panel. All numbers must be readily identifiable from race control, or you may be required to outline in contrast.
- Roll cage must be constructed of 1 ¾” OD round steel tubing with a minimum wall thickness of .090”. Three inches (3”) maximum gussets measured diagonally must be welded in main roll cage area where a 90-degree angle exists or where the roll cage meets the main frame rails. The main frame rails / bolt-on clips must be steel from radiator area to behind the fuel cell.
- Rear 8” panel required mounted vertically with car number.
- No part of any cooling or oiling system may be located in driver’s compartment.
- Batteries must be securely fastened and mounted outside of driver’s compartment or in a box with a cover.
- Approved seat belts and double shoulder harness will be required, no older than five (5) years. A crotch strap will be required.
- Definition: Illegal drugs or substances are those substances defined and prohibited by local, state, and/or Federal laws.
- General Prohibition
- Possession or use of illegal drugs or drug substances, as defined above, is prohibited in any form by any participant in any part of the speedway grounds or in any area considered to be used in the operation of the event, including but not limited to parking lots, office areas, etc. All crewmembers and drivers are prohibited from being under the influence of alcohol during an event’s scheduled activities. Any competitor suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances must submit to testing by track security. Failure to comply will result in indefinite suspension
- Violations and Penalties
- Any person found to be in possession of or under the influence of an illegal drug, alcohol or drug substance on speedway property, as defined above or any person who is arrested by duly constituted authorities and charged with possession and/or use of illegal drugs or drug substances, or any person who is formally charged by a court of law with illegal drug Violations may be subject to penalties by the series as follows:
- Suspension from competition and eviction from track property and denial of further entry to the track/series for any events for a period of time to be determined by series officials.
- In the case of formal charges being filed in a court of law, upon notification to speedway officials by the agency Involved, the participant may be suspended from all forms of participation until such time as the charges are fully adjudicated through the legal process. In the case of a conviction by process of law, the participant may be prohibited from participating in any series events for a period of one (1) Year from date of conviction up to a lifetime ban.
- Appeal and Hearing
- Any participant suspended for violation of these rules may be granted an appeal hearing by a board of officials designated by series provided the suspended participant requests such a hearing, in writing, within fourteen (14) calendar days of the date of suspension. It is the responsibility of the Suspended party to make such a request if a hearing is desired.
- Reinstatement
- A participant suspended for violations of these rules, except in the case of persons charged with selling illegal drugs or drug substances, may, as the result of a decision reached through the hearing process, be reinstated if it is mutually agreed that the participant, at his or her own expense, will produce documentation from a physician licensed with the state, certifying that he or she is illegal drug independent, as a result of random and periodic examinations and urinalysis testing made at the request of Series officials.
- Prescribed Drugs
- If a participant is using prescription drugs on the advice of a physician, such use must be reported to the series director of competition prior to the participant’s entry into series activities. Failure to notify will subject the participant to penalties as described in this section.
- Any person found to be in possession of or under the influence of an illegal drug, alcohol or drug substance on speedway property, as defined above or any person who is arrested by duly constituted authorities and charged with possession and/or use of illegal drugs or drug substances, or any person who is formally charged by a court of law with illegal drug Violations may be subject to penalties by the series as follows:
- Race Procedures
- Event
- The race is Minimum of 50 green flag laps. Series officials reserve the right to count cautions in certain situations. If red flag is thrown once the leader has taken the white flag there will be a green, white, checker restart. The event is completed after three green, white, checker restarts.
- Initial Start
- Flagman starts the race. Cars must stay in their lane until the start finish line. No jumping a start or passing before the start finish line. If a green flag lap is not completed on the initial start, there will be a total restart with all cars back in their original starting position except for any cars that are penalized, receive assistance or cars that pit.
- Yellow Flag
- There will be no racing back to the caution. When the yellow flag is displayed, all cars must slow to a caution pace and bunch up as quickly as safety allows so safety crews can work on track. All cars must get single file and stay single file. No scuffing around workers on track. You will receive one warning thru your spotter, any further issues and you will be parked for the remainder of the event.
- Cars Involved in the Caution
- All cars involved in a caution will go to the rear. Slowing or Spinning to avoid will not be penalized at the judgement of race control. Any discrepancies in line up will be determined by Race Control or may revert to last completed green lap. Rough driving can result in penalties including being sent to the tail of the field or possible disqualification from the event. If you stop on track or create a caution you will lose a minimum of two laps naturally or by penalty.
- Pitting Procedures
- You must stay single file behind the pace car during the cautions unless you are coming to the pits. Pits open second time by.
- Restart
- Restart Line-up will be lead lap cars that did not pit followed by lead lap cars that pitted and returned before one to go. Lap cars will line up behind lead lap cars followed by cars under penalty with lucky dog on the tail. Restarts will always take place in the box coming off of turn 4. The restarts will be double file with lead lap cars in front of lapped cars in the order the cars were running on the track. Cars will double up as they reach the finish line when given the one to go signal in the order they are running. Leader gets choice of inside or outside, everyone from third on back lines up how they are running. Once pace car leaves the field the leader can steadily increase his speed until the box. Leader must fire first once in the box. No slowing, weaving, brake checking or decrease in acceleration once the pace car leaves the field. Cars must stay in their lane until the start finish line. No jumping a start or passing before the start finish line. If a green flag lap is not completed before a yellow comes out all cars should go back to their prior position except for any cars that are penalized, receive assistance or pit.
- Red Flag
- All cars must stop as quickly as safely possible when the red flag is displayed. Cars may go to the pits for crews to work on them, only after the officials have given them permission to do so. Cars pitting under red must re-start. at the tail of the field.
- Black Flag
- Cars that receive the black flag must go to pit road immediately. If you do not go to pit road within 3 laps, your scoring will stop until the situation is rectified. Check with your spotter for guidance from race control.
- Lucky Dog:
- At the time the caution comes out, the first car behind the leader 1 lap down will be deemed to be the Lucky Dog (as
long as they are not the cause of the yellow). The Lucky Dog will stay in their position throughout the caution period (Lucky Dog may pit if they elect to), until directed to pass the pace car or drop to the tail of the field and have your lap added manually. Lucky Dog must always restart on the tail of the field. No Lucky Dog will be awarded in the last 5 laps of the race. - Slow Cars
Slow cars must stay on the top in the presence of lead lap cars during the race. Lapped cars that create problems for lead lap cars may be penalized. Lapped cars should let the leaders go by on the outside and then resume racing. Lapped cars that are repeatedly passed on the outside during the race may be penalized. Cars fighting to stay on the lead lap are not forced to yield to the leaders until they have been passed by the leader. - Scoring
- Transponders will be used for scoring. Teams must return the transponder to a scoring official before leaving pit road…There is a $400 PENALTY for failure to turn in your operable transponder.
- Spotters
- Spotters are required to be in the designated spotters stand during racing activities. Only one spotter per team is allowed in the spotter stand, no guest. Spotters must have the ability to listen to race control via a standard electronic scanner or dedicated radio at all times during the event. The frequency for this tour is 461.2000. Drivers should keep your spotter’s patient and polite; spotters keep your drivers the same. Tower will be monitoring spotters during the race. Spotters must be respectful to officials and other spotters at all times. If spotter leaves or is removed from the spotters stand you will be parked.
- Post-Race: The top three finishers to the front-stretch immediately following the completion of the race. Fourth and fifth go straight to tech. Other cars may be requested to go directly to tech. Crews may touch the cars only how and when they are directed to by series officials. Driver must drive car back to scales.
- At the time the caution comes out, the first car behind the leader 1 lap down will be deemed to be the Lucky Dog (as
- Event
- Thank you for Racing with the Modifieds of Mayhem Tour….
- Scoring